Category Archives: Vegetables

Marinated Grilled Veggies

Grilled Veggies


Marinated Grilled Veggies are so easy to prepare and they make a great side dish.  You can cut up your veggies up to a day ahead and let them marinate until you are ready to fire up the grill.  We have a grill basket that we use to make these grilled veggies.


2 zucchini squash
2 yellow squash
1 sweet onion
1 red bell pepper
1 package fresh mushrooms

Wash, rinse and dry the veggies.  (I always use antibacterial soap and rinse well to remove any pesticides or other cooties.)  Rinse the mushrooms in just water, removing all the dirt, and set on a towel to dry.  Cut off the stems.

Prepare the marinade:

In a large ziplock bag, add 3 Tablespoons olive oil, 2 Tablespoons balsamic vinegar, 1 teaspoon minced garlic, 1 teaspoon oregano, a dash of seasoned salt such as Everglades seasoning or Adobo seasoning.  If you want to go the easy route, just use a balsamic vinagrette dressing, approx 1/4 cup.

Chop all the veggies up in bite sized pieces and add to the ziploc bag with the marinade.  Seal the bag and toss the marinade over all the chopped veggies.  If you are going to be cooking it right away, you can just leave it out on the counter while your grill heats.  If you aren’t cooking them immediately, refrigerate until you are ready to cook.

Marinated Veggies

Pre-heat your grill and the grill basket.  Add  approximately half of the marinated veggies to the basket.  Stir to evenly distribute them in the basket.  Close the grill lid and let them sizzzzzle away for a few minutes.  Stir every couple minutes.  When they are crisp-tender, they are done.  Scoop them out of the basket into a serving bowl.  Repeat with remaining marinated vegetables.

Serve as a side dish or make into a vegetarian dinner in a whole wheat wrap or on a bun.

We had ours with grilled fish and rice pilaf.

Blackened Grilled Fish on Rice Pilaf with Marinated Grilled Veggies


Marinated Grilled Veggies are SOOO GOOD that I would eat them every single day!  Give this a try, you will love it!

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Sharon Springfield

Sharon Springfield  

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Marinated Grilled Veggies

Cabbage Rolls

Cabbage Rolls


Cabbage Rolls Recipe

This recipe for cabbage rolls is from my mother-in-law.  When I married her son, I asked her to share with me some of his favorite recipes so that I could “make it like Mom made it”.  My hubby always appreciates it when I take the time to make his mom’s Cabbage Rolls, which always makes me happy too!  I hope you enjoy the recipe. 🙂


Cabbage Roll Filling Ingredients:

1 pound ground chuck
1 cup cooked rice
1 egg, beaten
1/3 cup Worcestershire sauce
1 small onion, chopped
1 red bell pepper, chopped
dash of salt & pepper
dash of garlic powder
dash of cayenne pepper
Steamed cabbage leaves

Cabbage Rolls Sauce Ingredients:

2 cups tomato sauce
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar
1 tablespoon sugar
dash of garlic

Mix uncooked meat, cooked rice, onion, peppers and seasonings in a large bowl.  Place some meat mixture in the middle of a cabbage leaf and roll up.  (like you’d roll up a burrito)

Place the cabbage rolls in a 9×13″ glass baking dish or cast iron bakeware.  Pour sauce over the top.  Cover baking dish with foil.  Bake in a 350º F oven for 40 minutes or until the meat is cooked through.

Cabbage Rolls Recipe

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 Sharon Springfield

Sharon Springfield

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Sweet Potato Casserole

Sweet Potato Casserole

Sweet Potato Casserole

What would Thanksgiving be without Sweet Potato Casserole?    In my family, I’m the one who always gets to bring it because I know the best sweet potato casserole recipe ever!  My secret is the crunchy buttery topping with coconut, pecans and brown sugar.  It’s so delicious and sweet that I usually eat it last, like a dessert.  The fluffy mashed sweet potatoes spiced with pumpkin pie spices like cinnamon, ginger and all spice are just heavenly!  So if you’re looking for the best sweet potato casserole recipe, take it from this southern girl, here’s the only one you need.

Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe – Cooking your sweet potatoes:

First of all, you have two options of how to cook your sweet potatoes.  You can either bake them until they’re soft and scoop out the inside of the sweet potatoes and discard the skins, or you can peel the sweet potatoes, cube them and boil them in a pot of water until they are fork tender then drain them and mash with a potato masher.  I’ve done it both ways and they both work equally well.  I usually use about 5 or 6 medium sized sweet potatoes.

Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe


Mashed cooked sweet potatoes
1 egg
1/3 cup milk or flavored liquid coffee creamer (hazelnut or vanilla)
1/2 cup brown sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice

Mix together the above ingredients with your  mashed sweet potatoes.  Spread them into a 1 1/2 quart casserole dish.

Sweet potato casserole recipe topping:

1/4 cup softened butter
1/4 cup brown sugar
1/2 cup shredded coconut
1/2 cup pecans, chopped

Mix together the topping ingredients and sprinkle over the casserole.  Bake in a 350○F oven for 20 – 30 minutes.  The topping should be bubbly and browned.  The smell should be amazing and will summon you to the oven when it’s getting close to done.  Serve this awesome comfort food at your next Thanksgiving or Christmas dinner and everyone will be begging you for your Sweet Potato Casserole Recipe.

Remember to return often to my blog for more great recipes.

Sharon Springfield

Sharon Springfield

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Individual Hash Brown Cups

Individual Hasbrown Cups


Individual Hash Brown Cups


1 (20 oz) bag Simply Potatoes Shredded Hash Browns; OR 3-1/2 cups shredded russet potatoes, rinsed and squeezed dry in a towel
3 green onions, chopped (approx. 1/3 cup), both white and green parts
1/2 cup grated Parmesan cheese
1 teaspoon kosher salt
1/2 teaspoon black pepper
2 tablespoon olive oil


Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Coat 12 muffin tins with cooking spray; set aside. In large bowl, combine potatoes, onions, cheese, salt, and pepper. Toss lightly with a fork. Drizzle on olive oil. Toss with fork again until mixture is well combined. Spoon mixture evenly into 12 muffin cups. With the back of the spoon, apply gentle pressure to pack mixture into each cup. Bake for 60-75 minutes in lower third of oven. Let rest for 5 minutes, run a small knife or spatula around the edge of each cup, making sure the edges are loosened. Gently lift each potato cup out, invert it, place on serving plate bottom side up. Good served warm or room temperature.

MAKE AHEAD FOR COOKING LATER: Combine mixture, spoon it into muffin tins, cover with plastic wrap, and refrigerate until ready to bake. Remove from fridge 30 minutes before baking time. May be made the night before to cook and serve for breakfast the next day.

MAKE AND COOK AHEAD FOR REHEATING LATER: These are best when eaten freshly baked. However, they can be baked ahead of time, refrigerated or frozen, and reheated before serving. They lose some of their crispiness when reheated, but the texture and taste is still good.

FOR BITE-SIZE TATER TOTS – make them in mini muffin pans.

Thanks for visiting my cooking blog.  Lets connect!

Individual Hash Brown Cups

Sharon Springfield

Sharon Springfield

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Southern Corn Casserole

Southern Corn Casserole


This southern classic – Corn Casserole – is rich and buttery, sweet and creamy and a must have at our family gatherings for holidays like Thanksgiving and Christmas.  This goes well as a side dish for spicy dishes like Chili, Cowboy Stew, and Cheesy Manwich Chicken Pasta.

1 cup self-rising cornmeal
3/4 cup self rising flour
1/4 cup sugar
dash of salt
1/3 cup melted butter
1/2 cup sour cream
1 egg
1 can creamed corn
1 1/2 cup buttermilk

Whisk together the dry ingredients in a mixing bowl.  Add the next 4 ingredients and stir just until combined.  Pour into a greased 2 quart casserole dish.  Bake at 400° for approximately 30 minutes.  The middle should not jiggle when pan is shaken around.  If its not firm then bake longer.

Spoon it out to serve.

This is similar to the recipe using Jiffy corn muffin mix, but I like to avoid pre-packaged foods whenever possible.  You could use a cornbread mix if you want and omit the cornmeal and flour.  I hope you enjoy my recipe for Southern Corn Casserole.  If so, share with your friends and Pin it on Pinterest.

Southern Corn Casserole

Sharon Springfield

Sharon Springfield

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